The Accidental Love Letter
As I’ve said before, I wrote The List That Changed My Life in a heartbeat. It was the culmination of every idea I’d had over the past four years I’d spent writing. Every skit or joke I’d thought of, every scenario, every character trait. All of those ideas were...
What’s on my list?
This post is sponsored by the word ‘list’. So, the thing about writing a book that involves a list, is that people keep asking you what’s written on your own. I think I’ve been asked this question about eight times this week, and my answer tends to change depending on...
How I Write
It feels ironic to write a blog post about how I write. But, here we are. I’ve taken a break from writing my WIP (work in progress) to write this, so it should all be quite fresh. Theoretically speaking (guess which word I couldn’t spell first time), I should know...
My Writing Journey
So, hey! This is my first blog. Although I’ve written books and plays and other bits over the years, I’ve never actually tried to blog before. So you’ll have to excuse me, I’m sure I’ll gallop through all the faux pars with blind ignorance and more than likely upload...